Cote d’Ivoire Market Watch | June 1st 2015: BRVM stock market begins on bearish by losing XOF 13bn

Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire (Capital Markets in Africa):- BRVM (The Regional Stock Exchange of eight West Africa) closed its trading session this Monday, lower than the previous trading sessions. BRVM 10 index decreased from 273.88 to 273.46 points, a drop of 0.15%. BRVM Composite index lost 0.19% to 267.48 against 268 points previously. The equity market capitalization was recorded at XOF 6,600.34 billion compared to XOF 6,613.04 billion previously (lost almost XOF 13 billion).
Looking at the market activity, the week start on quite level with total volume traded of 322, 774 (although an increase of 954 percent compared with previous trading sessions volume of 30,633) and total traded value was recorded at XOF 1,000.557 million (against XOF 492.663 million recorded on last Friday trading session) exchanging hands in 31 securities out of 39 listed securities via 231 transactions. In addition, today’s top stock by volume was ECOBANK TRANSNATIONAL INCORPORATION Togo with 276,295 traded shares and by value was ONATEL Burkina Faso with a XOF 169.66 million traded value. The Liquidity ratio (measured by Volume traded/ Ask orders volume) ended at 15.10 percent and Price Earning Ratio was recorded at 23.75.
From the market price movers’ perspective, out of the 30 traded securities there were 14 price gainers, 13 price losers and 4 remained unchanged, hence market breathe end on a positive note. The top price gainers were SAFCA COTE D’IVOIRE (advanced by 7.50 percent to close at XOF 25,810), SOCIETE GENERALE BANK COTE D’IVOIRE (gained 7.49 percent to close at XOF 29,000), BANK OF AFRICA SENEGAL (went up 3.82 percent to close at XOF 67,500), BICI COTE D’IVOIRE (surged by 2.84 percent to close at XOF 89,995) and BANK OF AFRICA NIGER (rose by 2.48 percent to close at XOF 79,500). On the other hand, topping the losers’ were TOTAL COTE D’IVOIRE declined by 7.32 percent to trade at XOF 226,500 and ONATEL BURKINA FASO fell by 5.75 percent to close at XOF 8,200. Also, TRACTAFRIC MOTORS COTE D’IVOIRE and PALM COTE D’IVOIRE declined by 3.64 percent and 2.86 percent to close at XOF 212,000 and XOF 17,000 respectively.
From sector viewpoint, financial services, industry and agriculture sector indices went up by 0.39 percent, 0.25 percent and 0.18 percent respectively. Whereas, distribution sector index and public utilities sector index went down by 2.64 percent and 0.29 percent respectively. However, transportation sector index and miscellaneous sector index remained unchanged.